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RFID Electronic Marker

An RFID electronic marker is a specialized device designed for direct burial over utilities, capable of marking them up to a depth of 5 feet (1.5 meters). Its robust construction ensures durability and resilience against harsh underground conditions. Utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, these markers enable precise identification and tracking of buried utilities. They function as passive transponders, responding to RF signals emitted by handheld readers or locators. The markers' performance lies in their ability to provide accurate location data, aiding in utility management and maintenance. With their reliable design and RFID technology, they enhance efficiency and safety in underground infrastructure management.

Vahila Duro Geolocator RFID MARKER LOCATOR

Price: 395000 INR/Unit

RFID Electronic Ball Marker

VAHILA RFID ELECTRONIC BALL MARKERS are used to electronically mark underground utilities to prevent accidental damage or incidental contact and facilitate easy location and service of vital underground assets.

RFID Electronic Disk Marker

RFID Electronic Disk Marker for underground, VAHILA RFID ELECTRONIC Disk Markers are used to electronically mark underground utilities to prevent accidental damage or incidental contact and facilitate easy location and service of vital underground assets.

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